
  • Quick Writes - Video Lesson (Level 4-8)

    Finding good ideas to put on paper is part of being a writer and the writing process. But it can be frustrating. One way to get ideas flowing and develop fluency as a writer is to do quick writes. A quick write is just a short written response, usually based on observations, experiences, or some other prompt. In this video, students will learn three powerful and effective quick writes that will help them unleash the writer within.

  • Building Metaphor Muscles - Video Lesson (Level 4-8)

    A metaphor is a figure of speech that makes a comparison of two things, but unlike a simile, it does not use the words ‘as’ or ‘like’. We use metaphors to describe people, places and things in a way that helps create memorable imagery in a reader’s mind. In this lesson, I will show you how to craft powerful metaphors that will enhance comprehension and make your reader look and think about things in a whole new light.

  • An explainer video on how to send a video lesson to students

    Short instructional video showing you how to send a video link to your students.

  • Original Similes - Video Lesson (Level 2-8)

    Similes are a figure of speech used to describe something by comparing two things that share something in common using the words like or as. They create strong mental images in a reader’s mind and help to get a point across in a very memorable and sometimes funny way. In this lesson, students sharpen their descriptive skills by creating original similes.

  • Snapshot - Video Lesson (Level 4-8)

    This strategy will help students understand how to pace their writing.  Pacing is related to time, that is, how quickly or slowly a story unfolds. Video footage is used in this lesson to show students how to use their observation skills to pay close attention to small details.  Using video footage also helps students use their imagination and form mental movies in their heads.

  • Mentor Text Cards 5-6

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  • Mentor Text Cards 3-4

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  • Mentor Text Cards F-2

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  • Introduction to Purpose and Audience

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  • Identifying Audience

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