
  • Endings for Creative Texts - Video Lesson (L3-6)

    Endings are very important and should never be rushed because it’s the last thing your readers will remember - so you need to make them memorable and impactful! In this lesson, you will learn four very different and strong ways to end a creative text, that will leave your readers thinking about your story, well after they’ve put it down.

  • Sentence Length: Imitating Sentence Structures - Video Lesson (L4-8)


    To make your writing interesting, memorable and enjoyable to read, sentences need to be varied. This means writing both long and short sentences, and sentences that begin in different ways. In this lesson you will study and imitate the different types of sentences of your favourite authors, and learn how to write your own powerful and interesting sentences that make your hang on to your every word.

  • Show, don’t Tell - Video Lesson (Level 3-8)

    In this lesson, you will learn how to describe your character’s actions, feelings and thoughts, to make them feel more real and memorable for the reader. This powerful strategy is called show, don’t tell, and it uses descriptive language to explain, rather than tell the reader what is happening.

  • Connectives Part 2: Contrasting, Cause & Effect, Emphasising (Level 4-8)

    Connectives are words that help link your ideas within and between sentences, so your writing flows and is easier to read and understand. Think of connectives like the glue that holds all your ideas together. In this part 2 Connectives video, you will be learning about Contrasting, Cause & Effect and Emphasising connectives.

  • Imaginative Introductions (Level 4-8)

    An introduction is the first paragraph or section of any piece of writing. A good introduction is not only informative, but also catches a reader’s attention. In this video, you will learn four surprisingly simple but powerful strategies that will help you write a brilliant beginning for any type of creative text and make it impossible for readers to tear themselves away from your writing.

  • Connectives Part 1: Time, Location & Adding (Level 3-6)

    We use connectives in our writing to help link ideas between sentences, so our writing flows and is easier to read and understand. Think of connectives like the glue that holds all your ideas together. In this video you will be learning about time & sequence, location and adding connectives.

  • Punctuation Perfect Video Lesson (Level 4-8)

    Punctuation is a set of marks, not words, that are used in written texts to help structure sentences and make our message clear and easy to read. It’s important for students to use a wide range of punctuation, so they can choose the most effective type of punctuation that will enhance their writing and make the intended message as clear as possible for the reader. In this lesson, students will learn usage rules for 10 common types of punctuation marks through short quick write activities.

  • Editing Strategies (Level 4-8)

    Although we fix mistakes as we write, a final and thorough edit always happens at the end of the writing process, just before publishing. There is no point in editing a piece of writing that may have large chunks of texts deleted during revision. In this video lesson, students will learn six powerful strategies that will help them identify common errors that often go unnoticed.

  • Summarising Lesson 2 of 2 - The Main Idea (Level 5-8)

    A summary is basically a very brief recount of the main points in a text. It can be one sentence or a couple of paragraphs long, depending on the text that is summarised. It sounds easy enough, but summarising is a complex skill that requires students to determine the most important ideas and supporting details within a text and express this in the most meaningful and concise way possible. It is no easy feat, so in this lesson, students will practice summarising a few chunks of texts at a time before moving on to summarising whole texts.

  • Summarising Lesson 1 of 2 - Chunking (Level 5-8)

    A summary is basically a very brief recount of the main points in a text. It can be one sentence or a couple of paragraphs long, depending on the text that is summarised. It sounds easy enough, but summarising is a complex skill that requires students to determine the most important ideas and supporting details within a text and express this in the most meaningful and concise way possible. It is no easy feat, so in this lesson, students will practice summarising a few chunks of texts at a time before moving on to summarising whole texts.